Saturday, March 27, 2010

Side Arm Balance Yoga pose

The Side Arm Balance Yoga pose is an advanced yoga pose and has an acrobatic angle to it. This is also known as the twisted Bakasana (side Crane Pose). Only those who are young and agile should do this pose.

You start doing this pose by being in a kneeling position. Lift your knees off the floor so that your thighs are horizontal to the mat. Inhale, and as you exhale, turn your shoulders and arms to your left and place both palms flat on the mat to your left side.

Bend your right elbow and tuck it under your left thigh. Now comes the difficult part. Engage the muscles of your abdomen, stiffen the muscles of your arms and bend down to your left. Lower your head till your back and hips are aligned in a straight line horizontal to the floor.

Fix your gaze at any point on the floor to help you to maintain your balance. Rest your right thigh on your left elbow and upper arm, and lift your feet off the mat. As you are bending sideways, you will be able to lift your feet only an inch or two off the floor. You will also need to press your left foot against the right foot as you balance yourself this way.

This is a precarious position in which you will be able to stay only for a few breaths. It is also a difficult step to do, which you would be able to master after many false starts. When you are learning to do this pose, do ask a friend to be around to help you out. Also remember to keep a few pillows or a folded blanket on the mat in front of your face. This is to cushion your fall, just in case you trip forward and fall on your face. Tripping forward is a common mistake when you are learning to do this pose.

But once you master this difficult pose, you would develop strong and supple wrists, and also nourish your shoulders, triceps and biceps.


Side Pro Pose Arm Balances in Advanced Yoga

The Side Arm Balance Yoga Pose

Side Crane Pose

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