Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yoga poses to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

The Yoga poses to burn fat and lose weight are a sequence of easy to do poses which contribute to reducing your midriff and help you to develop a lean and mean physique, with a flat abdomen.

Before you proceed to do this sequence, have a word with your doctor and also learn to do this sequence under the guidance of a trained yoga therapist.

Start doing this sequence from a standing position, Breathe consciously and inhale deeply taking the air in to fill your lungs, hold your breath and then exhale slowly in a long exhalation. This rejuvenates your system to do the moves that follow.

Inhale through the nose, and raise your arms above your head and exhale through your mouth as you lower your arms. Repeat this move between five and ten times. This session of deep breathing, while you swing your arms, leaves you feeling refreshed.

Now move on to do spot walking. Start mimicking a walking sequence without moving from the spot. You just have to lift your legs from the knees and pretend that you are walking. Bend your arms from the elbows and move them in a semicircle by your sides, as you would do when you actually walk. Keep up with the conscious breathing too while you do this.

To add a variation here, lift your arms to the level of your shoulders and bend your arms from the elbows with your forearms vertical and upper arms horizontal to the floor, and continue marching while being rooted to the same spot. An essential element is to keep breathing as you do so.

From spot walking, you can proceed to spot jogging. Now you bring your knees up nice and high and increase the speed with which you move your legs as though you are running. Keep breathing consciously all this while. Hold your arms up as you do this. The breathing part helps to detox your system while keeping your lungs well supplied with oxygen.

Now move to do yoga jumping jacks, which are subtly different from, the normal jumping jacks. Here you co-ordinate your breathing with your jumping. Inhale deeply, and exhale as you jump up. Move your arms rhythmically with every jump as you spread your legs, and join your palms above your head.

Follow this up by standing with your legs a shoulder’s width apart and lift your arms to shoulder level, making them horizontal to the floor. Now bend from your hips and knees to get into the Chair pose. Bend your body from the hips and knees as if you are sitting on a chair and get up.

This seemingly simple sequence is quite tiring, as you also need to engage your abdominal muscles when you do it. Keep the consciously breathing going as you do this.


Yoga Exercises to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Ashtanga Yoga: Get Fit, Burn Fat

Yoga Poses That Burn Fat

Yoga Exercises to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eye of the Needle yoga pose

The Eye of the Needle yoga pose is a slightly intricate pose with acrobatic elements in it. But at the same time it is simple enough for any young and healthy practitioner to learn and master. Those who take up yoga at a later age should consult their physician. This pose places some strain on the hips and lower back, so those who suffer from sciatica, slipped disc or any hip or spine related ailment should seek medical advice before doing this pose.

Learn to do this asana (pose) under the guidance of a yoga teacher, so that you learn to do this pose properly the first time around. You need to start by lying supine on a mat. Your legs are straight down the hips, and arms are by your sides. In this position, breathe consciously and slowly for some time. After you are comfortable and relaxed you can start doing this pose.

Lift your legs by bending them from the knee and place your feet flat on the floor. Stabilize yourself in this position, and then lift your left leg to place your left ankle on your right thigh, just near the right knee. Pause at this stage for some time.

Stiffen the muscles of your right leg including your glutes (buttocks), quads, inner thighs and calf muscles and push the floor down with your right foot. Lift our right leg off the mat. As you lift your right leg, you also lift your left leg which moves closer to your chest.

Your abdomen is compressed when you do this. Now lift your arms to insert your left arm into the cavity between your right thigh and left shin and hold the right inner thigh. You can also place your right palm on the right thigh. Your right arm comes in from the other side, beyond the right leg.

To sharpen the bend for your hips, you can even place your palms over your right shin, just below the knee and pull your legs towards your chest.

Depending on your comfort, decide whether to place your palms on your right shin or your right inner thigh and also how much to pull your legs towards your chest. This depends on your comfort level. In this position lengthen your tailbone to lift your lower back upwards a bit and curve your lower spine.

Try to spread your legs on either side a little bit, to stretch your hips further. Pause in this position for some time and then repeat these steps interchanging the position of the legs. This is the eye of the needle pose that helps to give you supple hips.


Yoga Supine Beginners Sequence : Eye of the Needle Yoga Pose

Supine eye of the needle pose

5 Yoga Poses for Tight Hips

Yoga Threading the Needle Stretch

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tree pose of Gentle Yoga

The Tree pose of Gentle Yoga is a simple pose that to an observer only requires you to stand up nearly motionless. But behind this apparently inert pose there is a method to relax your body, especially your spine and legs. This pose also helps you to improve your ability to balance yourself.

You start doing this pose by standing up on a yoga mat and place your heels together while spreading your feet, so that your big toes do not touch each other. Ensure that you balance yourself comfortably as you stand. You may move your shoulders slightly backwards by bringing your shoulder blades nearer each other, to help you to maintain your balance.

Now lift your left leg and raise your left foot to place the heel of your left leg over the ankle of your right leg. Place your arms on your hips, and ensure that your pelvis is centered to spread your body weight evenly to the right and left.

Lift your arms and bring them above your head. Stretch your arms upwards so that you feel the stretch right from your fingertips up through your forearms, elbows, upper arms up to your shoulders. Some practitioners like to leave their palms separated and stand in this manner for some time.

You can introduce a variation here by bringing your palms together, in this position almost all your body weight is on your right leg, with the left leg giving token support. You can also transfer all your weight to the right leg, by lifting your left leg and placing the left foot sole against the side of the calf muscle of your right leg. Now only the tips of the toes of your left foot touch the ground.

You can also lift the left leg off the mat altogether, bend it from the knee and place your left foot against the inner thigh of your right leg. Now you are balanced only on your right leg. Breathe slowly and consciously at this stage and inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth for a greater intake of air. Each inhalation can be followed with a long sustained exhalation.

After some time, lower your arms to your sides, and also release your left foot and place it on the mat in a normal standing position that corresponds to the Mountain posture. Now repeat the above steps by lifting your right leg and placing your right foot against the inner thigh of your left leg.

When you are learning to do this pose, it would be nice to have someone to help you to maintain your balance as you do this pose. Position yourself with your back near a wall, to which you can lean on just in case you need to maintain your balance.


Gentle Yoga Poses : Yoga Tree Pose

Yoga Tree Pose

Tree Pose in Beginner Yoga
