Monday, May 10, 2010

Warrior Right pose

To do the Yoga warrior right pose, you need to stand erect on a mat. Ensure that you have kept your spine straight and it is not curved to the right or left. Spread your feet to either side and keep a distance of about a shoulder’s length between them.

As you learn to do this pose, you can place your feet further away up to a distance of a shoulder and half between them. This kind of a wide stance gives you the stability required when you do the following steps. Now turn your right foot towards your right, while keeping your left foot facing forward, in your normal standing stance.

When you stand this way, ensure that your right heel is aligned with your left ankle. Now lift both your arms up to the level of your shoulders and stretch them outwards. Your palms face downwards towards the floor, and your fingers are stretched outwards. Stiffen your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Now bend your right leg from the knee and vertically lower your hips downwards slightly.

Try to keep your left leg as straight as you can i.e. do not bend it from the knee. Now only your right leg is bent from the knee. Turn your face towards your right and look towards your right fingers. Stretch your left leg and stiffen your glutes, quads, inner thigh muscles and your calf muscles. Dig the right foot into the floor.

Now breathe deeply through your nose, and as you exhale, lift your outstretched right arm above your head and simultaneously lower your left arm towards your left thigh. Now place your left palm on your left thigh, and stretch your right arm all the way up.

Now turn your face upwards to look up at the ceiling. Curve your spine and also you neck as you look up. Keep breathing consciously, breathing in deeply and breathing out slowly. Stay in this position for some time.

Now lift your left arm, and join your right and left palms above your head. Turn towards your right and lower your hips vertically down towards the floor. This downward movement is slight, by just a couple of inches.

Pause at this step and then bend down to your right and lower both your arms till your arms and torso are aligned with your left leg. Continue breathing deeply. Pause at this step too and then exist this pose by straightening your torso and lowering your arms to your sides. Turn your right foot to point forward as in your normal standing position, and come out of this pose.


Gentle Yoga Poses : Yoga Warrior Right Pose

Warrior I - Virabhadrasana I

Warrior Pose

The Warrior Pose

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