Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yoga Exercises to Overcome Scoliosis

Scoliosis refers to unnatural curvatures of your spine. These unnatural curvatures could be a natural defect from birth itself, or may be result of faculty sitting postures like slouching in your chair, bending forward as you work on your keyboard for hours at a stretch, curving your spine to your right or left when you sit, etc.

The yoga exercises to overcome scoliosis address these problems and help in reducing these unnatural and painful curvatures of the spine. The effect is gradual and is felt only over a period of time. But for good results, you need to do these vigorous exercises regularly.

Sit on a mat, on your buttocks. Lift your legs by bending them from the knees and place your feet on the mat. Place your hands underneath your knees, and lift your feet up to make your shins horizontal to the floor.

Ground your sit bones into the mat and thrust your chest out as you inhale. Curve your spine inwards slightly as you do this. As you inhale, you should also draw your knees slightly towards your chest, and as you exhale move them away from your chest. As you do this you will have to straighten and bend your arms form the elbows. But keep a firm grip on your legs as you do this.

Introduce a variation here by releasing your legs, but keeping them aloft. Now place your right shin over your left foot, and as you inhale, move your arms upwards. While as you exhale, lower your arms and legs to the mat, and place your palms and feet on the mat.

Press the mat down with your palms, and walk your feet behind you to straighten your legs, and come on all fours. Straighten your arms and legs to lift your hips up. Lower your head between your arms and stretch your spine by pushing your hips backwards.

Inhale and slide your torso forward to come into the plank pose by making your torso horizontal to the floor, and exhale to lift your hips up. Repeat this for five to ten times, or as long as you find it comfortable.

Lower your knees, and rest them on the mat, and also depress your chest towards the mat. Pause at this step.

Now lift your chest up the floor to come into the serpent pose, which is also known as the Bhujangasana. Pause in this position. Now push your torso up, and bend your legs from the knees to lower your chest again to the mat to come into the Child pose. Here you also extend your arms forward to lower your head between your arms.

This sequence of moves, help you to reduce any unnatural curvatures by equalizing the spaces between your vertebrae.


Yoga For Scoliosis Or Anyone Part 1 Of 2


Yoga Asanas For Spine


Yoga for Scoliosis


Yoga & Back problems, Backache, spine problems


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