Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yoga Hero pose

The Yoga Hero pose is an ideal combination of relaxation and exercise. When you do this pose you do not have to do any acrobatic moves, but at the same time it gives your body a comprehensive stretch right from your toes, up through your ankles, calf muscles, knees, quads, inner thighs, buttocks, hips, and lower spine. This is a rather long list of different parts of your body which are subjected to a stretch without any complicated moves.

It is this feature of the Hero pose, which is also known as the Vir asana (or Virasana), that gives it an advantage over many other equally beneficial but difficult to do, yoga exercises. Before doing this exercise, go ahead and seek the mandatory medical opinion from your physician, especially if you suffer from any knee or hip related ailment. Learn to do this pose under the supervision of a yoga teacher,

Start by kneeling down on a mat. Kneeling is a difficult posture for many of us with tight hips, especially given our sedentary lifestyles. Even when walking or standing, our knees are never bent completely at a ninety degree angle.

To come into a proper kneeling position you can be on all focus as in the table pose and ensure that your knees are right under your hips, and bring your toes together, so that the big toe of your right leg touches that of your left leg.

Your toes point behind and away from you, when you sit this way. Now lean back and rest your buttocks on your heels. To make this position comfortable you can place a folded towel between your heels and buttocks to give yourself a comfortable seat. You may even place a block between your shins and sit on the block.

Those who find this pose uncomfortable for the knees, may place a folded blanket under the knees and shins, so that just your toes hang off the edge of the blanket.

If need be you can take a towel, roll it and insert it between your inner thighs and knees. Now make your spine erect and place your palms on your thighs and breathe slowly and consciously, as you inhale deeply followed by a long and sustained exhalation. You can even join your palms at the level of your chest as in the Anjali Mudra, and close your eyes for better relaxation. Another variation is to place your hands on your hips. If you do not close your eyes, you may fix your gaze at any point in front of you. Stay in this pose as long as you find it comfortable.


How to Practice Yoga : Hero's Pose in Yoga

Vira-asana - The Hero Pose

Yoga Exercise - Hero Pose (Virasana)

Yoga posture - Virasana

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