Saturday, April 24, 2010

Advanced Flying Insect Pose

The Advanced Flying Insect Pose of yoga is also known as the Titthbasana. This pose involves balancing your body on your palms. It is somewhat challenging to master this pose, as the entire weight of your body is on your wrists. But once you are able to do this pose, it helps in nourishing your wrists, triceps and biceps.

You start doing this pose from a standing position. Bend from your hips and knees and place your palms on the mat just behind your foot soles. To do this, you need to insert your arms in between your two thighs and place your forearms behind your calf muscles. Place your palms flat on the mat and spread your fingers to reveal the web between the fingers. This gives you a firm base as you proceed to do the next steps.

Now stiffen your biceps and triceps and the muscles of your shoulders, and heave yourself up to lift your feet off the floor. This is the tricky and difficult part. You will need to practice this over a few days and weeks. Once you are able to do this, you can extend your legs in front. You may spread your legs to either side.

In this position you look like an insect, hence the name for this pose. Stay in this pose for between three to five breaths. You may extend the duration for which you stay in this pose, over the next few days and weeks, depending on your comfort level. To exit this pose, you may lower your feet to the mat and get up.


Advanced Yoga

Advanced Yoga Poses

How to do advanced arm balance yoga poses

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