Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Twisting Dragon pose

The Twisting Dragon pose of Zen Yoga aims at nourishing your hips, spine and thighs. This pose involves balancing as well as twisting. You start doing this pose from being on all fours. Bend your right leg from the knee while stretching your left leg behind you. Now lower your left hip towards the mat, by twisting your hips. This brings your right hip up.

Rest your outstretched left leg and your left buttock on the mat, and bring your right arm over and above your shoulders to place it to the other side, i.e. to the left of your left leg.

Pause at this position for between two to three breaths and then come back to the original position of being on all fours and then repeat this twist. This time you fold your left leg from the knee and stretch out your right leg and then turn to your right by bringing your left arm over your shoulder and placing it to the right side of your outstretched right leg.

Repeat this twist to either side for as many times as you are comfortable doing so and then exit this pose. As this pose involves twisting your hips, spine and legs, it nourishes the quads (thighs), and the muscles of your back.


Zen Yoga Full-Twist Dragon Stretch

Zen Yoga Dragon Stretches: Video Series

Yoga Poses

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