Friday, May 21, 2010

Standing Straddle Forward Bending pose

The Yoga Standing straddle forward bending pose, aims at giving you supple hips. It also helps you to burn excess calories to give you a trim waistline.

Stand on a mat and spread your legs to either side with a shoulder and half’s distance between your feet. Move your arms behind your back and make your spine straight, and try to spread your feet as wide as you can. Be careful at this position not to sprain your ankles, so spread your feet apart only to the extent you find it comfortable.

Draw your shoulders behind you and thrust your chest out. Clasp your hands behind your back. Gradually bend backwards and turn your face towards the ceiling. Pause at this position for some moments and then bend forward to lower your head down between your legs. The crown of your head nearly touches the floor, but do not rest your head on the floor, even if you can bend enough to do that.

As you bend forward, you can raise your arms without releasing the clasp of the right palm on the left. Your shoulder blades are drawn near each other and are pressing against your spine. In this position, as your head is below the level of your heart, your brain and face receive an excess supply of blood.

Pause at this position and keep breathing slowly and consciously. Now release your hands and place them on the mat in front of you, and lift your head and torso up. Your back is now horizontal to the mat. From this position, bring your right arm underneath your torso and place your right palm on your left shin. Wrap your right palm on your left shin and now try to hold your right shin with your left palm.

This is a rather difficult move and you may not be able to hold both shins with your hands. Holding one shin at a time would be the easier option. But keep practicing over a period of days and you would be able to hold both shins this way.

When you are able to do this, you may go on to do the next step, by shifting your head towards your right and pushing it into your left arm with which you are holding your right shin. This again is a difficult move, but you will learn to do it when you practice it over a period of time. Pause at this position for some time and keep breathing consciously. Do not hold your breath, although you are in a precarious position.

Repeat this step by moving your head towards your right arm and then emerge from this pose.


Standing Straddle Forward Bend- Prasarita Padottanasana

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Using the Standing Straddle Forward Bend as a Yoga Hip Stretch & Openers

Standing Straddle Forward Bend & twist


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