The Vinyasa crescent moon pose of yoga, is a balancing pose, where you lean towards one side and then to the other. Hence it is also called the side balancing pose. This pose nourishes your spine and legs and also improves your ability to balance yourself.
Those who suffer from postural vertigo or from any spine or hip related ailments should first consult their physician, before they proceed to do this pose. Initially at least, learn to do this pose under the guidance of a yoga tutor.
Stand up straight and center your weight on your pelvis. To start doing this pose, you can do a warm-up sequence by moving back and forth by balancing yourself on one leg (say your right leg) and only then leaning towards your right. Lift your left leg as you lean towards your right and use the weight of the upraised left leg as a counterpoise as you lean. This will help you to maintain your balance.
Engage the muscles of your abdomen and stiffen the muscles of your right leg, as you lean. But take care not to lock your right knee when you lean this way. Lean down towards your right till your torso is horizontal to the mat. Your upraised left leg is horizontal too. Now lower your right arm to the mat and place your right palm on the mat to help you to hold your balance.
Now move your left arm behind your back and place your left hand on your back. Lift your left leg as high as you can, while aligning the left leg along with your torso. After you are comfortably balanced this way, lift your left arm and point your left palm towards the ceiling.
You can introduce a variation here by bending the upraised left leg form the knee and holding your left foot with your left hand. This is difficult step, where you have to skillfully maintain your balance. Pause at this position for some time and keep breathing slowly and deliberately. Do not hold your breath, although the tendency would be to do so.
To exit this pose, stiffen the muscles of your right arm and foot and then gradually release holding your left foot with your left hand. Move your left leg downwards as you lift your torso upwards simultaneously. This again is a skillful move, so ensure that you keep the center of gravity in your torso as you do this.
Place your upraised left leg on the mat and stand up. Repeat the above movement by raising your right leg instead of your left.
Vinyasa Yoga Crescent Moon Pose
Vinyasa Yoga Crescent Moon Pose
How to do the standing crescent moon pose
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