The Yoga Upward plank pose is a reverse of the normal plank pose. In the normal plank pose you face downwards towards the floor. But in the Upward plank pose, you face towards the ceiling. This makes doing this pose more challenging. But it has benefits too, in the form of nourishing your shoulders, neck, and also you quads, glutes, calves, biceps and triceps.
Start doing this pose by sitting on a mat, on your buttocks, with your legs spread down your hips. Inhale and make your spine erect, and as you exhale, bend your legs from the knees. Now move your arms behind your back. Place your palms on the mat with your fingers pointing away from you.
Inhale, and stiffen the muscles of your arms. Press against the floor to lift your hips off the mat. Your knees and shoulders function like levers, with which you lift your hips and torso off the mat. Lift your hips up till your torso is horizontal to the floor.
Your thighs too are horizontal to the floor and are aligned in a straight line along with your torso. Move your shoulder blades closer to each other as you stiffen your spine and your glutes to help you to be in this position.
Ensure that your arms are straight and are not bent from the elbows. When you are learning to do this pose, you will have to pay more attention to your neck by keeping it firm to hold you head in a horizontal position as you face upwards. Pause at this position, before moving on.
Stiffen the muscles of your right leg and lift your left foot, and stretch your left leg to place the left heel on the floor. Your left leg is now straight and is not bent from the knee. While keeping the leg straight, do not lock your knee, as you could sprain the knee.
With your left leg firmly on the floor, lift your right leg and straighten it too. Pause in this position for a couple of minutes or as long as you find it comfortable and then lower your hips to the mat. Keep breathing slowly and consciously as you do this exercise.
Although this is a simple exercise, those who suffer from any hip or spine related ailment will need to consult their physician before they proceed to do this exercise.
How to Do the Upward Plank Pose in Yoga
Upward Plank Pose Purvottanasana
Purvottanasana yoga asana pose
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