The Yoga Complete Foot-to-Hand Forward Bend is also known as the Padahastasana. As the name indicates this pose requires you to bend forward. This pose stretches and nourishes your hips and spine. In addition it also improves the flow of blood towards your face and brain, which in turn leads to improvement in your memory, reduction of hair loss, and improvement in your eyesight.
Stand erect on a mat. Ensure that your spine is straight and is not curved to your left or right. Inhale, and lift your arms above your head. Stretch your arms upwards to feel the stretch from your palms up to your shoulders and spine. As you exhale, bend down forward, and in a graceful movement, lower your head till it comes down to the level of your shins.
Touch your fingertips to the mat and if you can bend slightly more you may place your palms flat on the mat in front of your feet. Initially you may not be able to bend as much. So bend as far as you comfortably can. Those with tight hips will also find it difficult to bend forward.
To make this step easier, you may place a yoga block or a low stool in front of you, and place your palms on them instead of on the floor. After doing this exercise for a few days, you will increase the flexibility in your hips and will be able to bend lower.
After you are able to bend down to touch the floor you can try to increase the stretch by inserting your palms under your foot soles. Pause at this stage for three to five breaths, or as long as you are comfortable.
Do not remain in this position for too long, as it may cause you to feel giddy. Inhale and lift you back up again in a slow graceful movement to stand up.
Yoga Asanas - padahastasana: the hand to foot pose
Padahastasana - The Hand-to-Feet Pose
Padahastasana – Hands to Feet Yoga Pose
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