In Yoga as in any other exercise, to develop your core strength, you need to have supple hips. The Hip twist is a sequence of moves that nourishes the hips, improves the circulation of blood around the hips and has a salutary effect on your spinal movements and also locomotion like walking, jogging, running, swimming, etc.
To start doing the sequence of Hip twist movements, sit on your buttocks, on a mat and bend your legs from the knees. Place your feet on the mat, and move your arms behind your back. Inhale, and as you exhale lift your legs to about a foot’s height from the floor. Move them towards your right and hold them aloft. As you do this, bring your feet slightly nearer your hips.
This move places your hips under pressure as you hold your legs up. Support your posture by stiffening the muscles of your arms and placing your palms firmly on the floor. Pause at this position for a minute or two, or as long as you find it comfortable.
Bring your legs in front of you and place them back on the floor. Then move them to the left and hold them aloft. Repeat this sequence of steps for some time before moving on to the next step.
To add a variation to the above move, you may try lifting your legs while you also lift your arms. Move your arms in front of you and join your palms.
Next sit cross-legged and curve your spine sideways, first to your right and then to your left. As you curve to the right, lift your left arm and stretch it above your head and curve the arm to your right too, to increase the twist to your hips and spine. As you curve towards your right you are also stretching the left side of your ribcage and abdomen, and compressing the right side.
As you do this you may place your right palm on the floor to support your movement. Pause for some time when you are in this position and then curve your spine to the left side.
Now come on all fours to be in the Plank pose by straightening your back and spine. Rotate your legs from your hips towards your right, so that while your right leg rests on the floor, your left leg is stacked on top of the right leg. As you do this, you should also rotate your shoulders to your right. In this position lift your right arm too while you support your position with your left arm. Your left palm rests squarely on the floor. This is called the side plank pose,
While staying in this position, bring your left leg in front of you and place the left foot on the floor. This move gives a nice twist to your hips. Pause and come back to the neutral position on all fours, where you are facing the floor in a normal plank pose and repeat this move by rotating your hips to your left.
This way you give your hips a comprehensive twist to the right and to the left. But if you suffer from any hip or spine related ailments, consulting your doctor before you start doing this sequence is mandatory.
One Hip Twist Side Waist Core Strength Sequence
Yoga Twist Sequence for Beginners
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