The Side-lying Stretch pose of Restorative Yoga is a relaxation-cum-stretching pose. This pose helps to make your hips supple, and to stretch your spine and arms. It also is a side body opener pose. A person of any age can start doing this pose.
You start this pose by lying down on your left side. To increase the stretch in this pose, you may place a bolster horizontally under your abdomen as you lay down on your side. Your body now curves over the bolster and neither your shoulders nor your hips touch the floor.
As you lay down this way on your left side, your right leg is stacked on your left leg. Your left leg rests on the floor sideways. Now move your arms above your head and join your palms. This enables you to stretch the right side of your ribcage, and abdomen and your right hip and thigh.
Now you may move your right leg forward and the left one backwards. Alternately you may place your legs together and can place a sandbag over your ankles. Lie down in this posture for as long as you feel comfortable and then change sides to lie down on your right side to give your left side a good stretch.
Side-Lying Stretch Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga : Yoga Side Lying Pose
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