Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yoga Palm Tree pose

The Yoga Palm tree pose is a simple standing pose. You can do this pose at any time during the day and even when you are at office. Begin by standing with your feet together. Keep your heels together and spread the toes of your right foot away from those of your left foot. This posture, gives you a firm grip on the floor as you stand. Ground your heels into the floor and bring your knees together.

Now lift your arms to the level of your shoulders. Your arms are now horizontal to the mat. Now let your shoulders relax by swinging your arms freely. This motion mimics that of the swaying of leaves against the wind. As you do this, also wiggle your fingers. This unobtrusive movement of your fingers work on the tendons and ligaments of your palms. As you move your fingers, you also keep swinging your arms, which in turn nourishes your shoulders by increasing the circulation of blood.

Keep the rest of your body straight and tall. Keep your spine erect without curving it to your right or left. Reach out with your fingers as high as you can. As you do this swaying motion, breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Stabilize your hips, back and legs, torso and head. It is only the arms and fingers that move to establish a connection between your arms and shoulders.

This free flowing movement, as you go back and forth with your arms, and as you also breathe consciously and deeply, helps to clear your windpipe and breathing tract.

You can also twist your arms around a little bit when you swing them. Twist them from your shoulders, elbows and wrists. You should feel the twist all through your arms from your fingers up to your shoulders. This helps in nourishing the joints in the arms as you connect from the shoulders to your hands. Do this movement between ten to fifteen breaths, or for as long as you feel comfortable. To exit this pose, lower you arms by your sides and then join your palms at the level of your chest. Pause and repeat the movement of your hands once again.

Apart from being an exercise in itself, to tone up your triceps and biceps, this is also a warm-up exercise to activate yourself before you proceed to do heavier exercises.


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