Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sitting Back-to-back Holding Hands pose of Partner Yoga

Doing partner Yoga has the advantage of you being able to leverage on your partner’s strength. The Sitting Back-to-back Holding Hands pose of partner yoga feels more like a game rather than an exercise. This pose nourishes your hips and lower back and also your arms.

Sit on your buttocks on a mat with your back resting against your partner’s back. You need to be sitting cross-legged and rest your arms on your thighs. Move your arms to your sides and hold your partner’s arms.

Inhale, and as you and your partner exhale, lift your arms above your head. When in this position, both partners press each other’s arms slightly to increase the pressure on the arms.

You also feel a stretch along your abdomen, chest ribcage and heart. Pause at this position for some time and then lower your arms, and move your and your partner’s arms to your left knee and another pair to your partner’s left knee. This way you end up twisting your spine, as your left knee and your partner’s left knee are at opposite ends, as you are facing in opposite directions. As you do this, lengthen your spine and draw your belly inwards, and turn your face towards your left.

Pause at this stage for about three to five breaths, and then bring your arms to the center and lift them above your head once again. Inhale, and then lower your arms, this time taking them towards your right knee. Now turn your face towards your right. Pause and then bring your arms back to the center and raise them above your head.

Introduce a variation here, by bending towards your right and lowering your right arm (and your partner’s left arm) towards your right (and your partner’s left). Pause and then bend towards your left.

Another variation is to sit face to face with your partner and then taking your right arm behind your back. Your partner does likewise. Extend your left arm towards your partner’s back and hold your partner’s right hand. Your partner too does likewise. Interchange the position of arms and repeat this movement.

Repeat these movements to your left and right for between three to five times and then exist this pose.


Partner Yoga

Yoga For Couples

Partner Yoga

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