Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ashtanga Yoga’s Sun Salutation

The Ashtanga yoga Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara is a comprehensive exercise that nourishes your entire body with a single momentum. It is a robust exercise, but not very difficult to master. It helps in nourishing your shoulders, arms, spine, hips and legs.

To start doing this exercise you start from a standing position and make your spine erect. Place your feet together with the big toes of your right and left feet touching each other. Stand up straight nice and tall. Lift your arms above your shoulders and join your palms above your head. Stretch your spine and pause for some time.

Inhale, and as you exhale, lower your arms and bring them down to place your palms flat on the floor to either side of your feet. Your head is level with your shins. Inhale and as you exhale, step back and move your feet to come into a position of being on all fours with your legs and arms straight and not bent either at your elbows or knees.

Your spine is straight like a plank. Lower your chest towards the floor, by bending your arms at the elbows. Your body is now horizontal and parallel to the floor, and is balanced on your feet and arms. Pause at this stage for a few seconds and then lift your chest up. You may inhale as you lift up, and exhale as you lower your chest.

A variation that can make this process easier is to first rest your knees on the floor, and then lower your chest to the floor. As you lower your chest to the floor, you need not rest it on the floor, but keep it aloft the floor. Repeat this cycle of movements for a couple of times and exit this pose.


Sun Salutation

Ashtanga Yoga: Surya Namaskara A

Surya Namaskara Sun Salutation

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