The Flying Sequences in yoga are a part of partner Yoga. This sequence is used both as physical exercise and as a step in a performance during gymnastics and acrobatics in sports, as well as in a circus sequence.
This sequence helps to activate your system, improve blood circulation and nourish most of your joints and muscles. But being an acrobatic sequence, only those who desire to use it for professional pursuits, should go in for this and similar sequences.
You start doing this sequence with one partner lying supine on the mat and lifting his/her feet off the floor to make the legs vertical. The second partner stands near the first partner’s feet. The supine partner places his feet on the standing partner’s upper thighs and holds the standing partner’s arms.
The supine partner then lifts the standing partner off his/her feet by making his own legs straight and drawing the standing partner above him. The standing partner is now in a horizontal position and appears to fly above the supine partner. This gives, this sequence its name.
The standing partner then lowers her head towards the supine partner’s chest. In this position, both partners have the bodies bent at right angles from their hips. Pause and stay in this position for some time and then exit this pose. While exiting, the supine partner gradually lowers his legs taking the standing partner to a near vertical position till the standing partner’s legs once again rest on the floor. This returns the standing partner back to a standing position.