The Yoga Dancers pose is also called the Natarajasana. This is an aesthetic, and also an acrobatic pose. It helps you to improve your ability to stretch and balance your body.
You will enjoy doing this pose as there is a fun element in it. It is also a good warm-up pose. For this reason, this pose is included in many yoga beginner sessions. It also improves the flexibility of your body.
You start doing this pose from a standing position. Ensure that you are standing straight, with your knees straight above your ankles and hips over the knees. Inhale, and engage the muscles of your abdomen by drawing your navel (belly button) inwards.
Stiffen the muscles of your right leg and lift your left foot off the floor. Raise the left foot to the level of your buttocks and hold the left ankle with your left hand.
Beginners who find it difficult to hold their leg this way, can tie a strap to their left ankle and hold the strap instead of the ankle. Now lift your right arm above your head. Inhale, and as you exhale, bend forward gradually, as you also simultaneously pull your left leg up.
Lift your left foot as high as you can, preferably up to the level of your shoulders. Initially you may not be able to raise it as high, but over a period of time, you will be able to raise it to your shoulder level. When you do this, reach forward with your right arm. This helps you to balance your weight and hold on to this precarious position.
Grounding your right foot into the floor will help you to hold on to this position. Pause here for between three to five breaths, increasing this period as you master to do this asana (pose).
This pose nourishes your hips and lower back, and stretches your quads (thighs) in addition to helping you to increase your ability to balance yourself and improve your agility.
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I love dancer’s pose. It’s a great leg and ankle strengthener. My yoga instructor, Leeann Carey says that it is one of the best balance poses. She has a free yoga video on dancer that you should really check out: