The abdomen is made up of a set of muscles that are commonly known as six packs and eight packs. Your abdomen is one part of your body, where accumulation of excess fat is the easiest. So these muscles are generally hidden under a mass of excess fat, and are rarely visible. To get rid of excess fat around your abdomen, you need to do a series of strenuous exercises.
Yoga shows a way out through exercises where you only have to bend and stretch yourself in different directions. It would be advisable though, that you consult with your physician before you start doing this set of poses.
Sit on a mat, on your buttocks, with your legs spread down your hips. To help you to keep your spine straight, you may place a pillow or a folded blanker under your buttocks. Ground your sit bones into the floor (the blanket or pillow) and sit up nice and tall. Draw the abdominal muscles as you in and thrust your chest out as you inhale.
As you exhale, lift your arms up and bring them vertically above your head. Pause at this position, and on your out-breath lower your arms to the floor. This is a warm up step.
Now lower your back towards the mat. Bend your arms from the elbows to rest on your forearms. Bend your legs from the knees, and lift your feet off the mat. Inhale and as you exhale bring your knees as close as possible to your chest. From this position, extend your right leg forward, as if you are riding a cycle. Hold your right leg aloft for some time. Engage your abdominal muscles as you do this. Pause and then draw in your outstretched right leg, and extend your left leg. Repeat this movement for a few times depending on your comfort level.
Now keep both your feet together as you hold them aloft. Lift both your legs up by straightening them from the knees. Lift your feet above your head, and bring your feet down again slightly, by bending both your legs from the knees. Do not place your feet on the floor, but hold them aloft at the level of your face. Repeat this step for a few times. Here too you shall need to engage the muscles of your abdomen.
Now lie down on your back and spread your arms at the level of your shoulders to either side along the mat. In this position, you look like a ‘T’. Now bend both your legs from the knees and lift your legs and bend them to your right. Take the right knee as close as possible to your right, without resting your legs on the floor. Repeat this step by lowering your bent legs to the left. When you do this too, you shall need to engage the muscles of your abdomen.
This way, you give comprehensive exercise to the muscles of your abdomen and help in burning off the excess fat that accumulates around the belly.
Yoga For Abs And Core Strength
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