The Yoga boat pose aims at strengthening the abdominal muscles and helping you to get rid of the excess flab around your waist. As compared to many other exercises that are done for obtaining the same result, the Yoga boat pose or Navasana is quite a simple exercise.
But nevertheless it is advisable that you first consult your physician and only then proceed to do this exercise. This kind of a check is mandatory for those who suffer from sciatica, spondylitis or any other lower back of hip related ailment.
Sit on the mat, on your buttocks with your legs spread down your hips along the floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, bend your legs from the knees and place your foot soles on the floor. Now move your arms behind your back and place the palms on the floor to support your position, as you slightly lower your back towards the mat.
Lift your feet off the mat and raise your legs till your shins are horizontal to the mat. To help you to hold your legs aloft, you may place your hands under your knees and support your position. Stiffen the muscles of your legs to help yourself to stay in this position. Once you stabilize yourself in this position, you may release holding your legs and just extend your arms towards your knees.
When you are beginning to learn to do this pose, you may find it difficult to hold your legs up this way. You may place your feet on a low stool and then gradually move your feet away from it when you feel confident that you will be able to hold to that position. Having a friend or a yoga tutor to help you out is also ideal.
After you learn to do this pose, you may introduce a variation, by trying to lift one foot further up by straightening it from the knee. However you may keep the angle of your thighs identical for both your legs. Eventually you can raise both legs this way.
To hold on to this position, you will need to engage the muscles of your abdomen and keep your legs, spine and arms stiff. This leads to contraction of the abdominal muscles and helps you to shed excess calories, if you do this pose regularly and gradually increase the duration during which you stay in this pose.
In addition to developing a trim waist, you are also able to stimulate your abdominal organs to secrete better and have other benefits like improving your digestion.
Yoga Exercise - Full Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)
Seated Yoga Poses : Yoga Boat Pose