The Yoga Rabbit pose aims at nourishing your neck and shoulders by increasing the circulation of blood towards the neck, brain and face. This pose has all the advantages of poses like the head stand (Shirashaashasana) and the hand stand (Vrikshashaasana) where you are in an upside down position. When you are in this pose you look quite like a rabbit, hence this pose is so named.
But those who suffer from spondylitis or any other neck related ailments will need to avoid doing this asana (pose). In any case, you would be well advised to consult your physician, before you proceed to do this pose. As this is a rather difficult pose to execute, you shall need to learn to do it under the guidance of a qualified yoga therapist.
Start from a kneeling position with your inner thighs pressed against your calf muscles. Place your legs in a way where your foot soles face upwards towards the ceiling and toes point away from you, with your toenails touching the mat.
Inhale, and place your palms flat on the mat. Lower your head to the mat, and rest the crown of your head on the mat. Use your hands to bring your head in position. This is a skillful move, as you will need to be careful not to sprain your neck. Tuck your chin towards your chest. You will need to walk your knees towards your face. Bring the knees as close as you can towards your face. Lift your hips to enable you to do this. Your back is now curved sharply.
When you are in this position, you can place your palms on your neck, with your thumbs on one side your shoulders and your fingers on the other side. Rub your thumbs back and forth to massage your neck. This also helps to activate the circulation of blood around the neck.
When you are learning to do this pose you may keep a folded blanket under your head and have a friend around to help you to maintain your balance when you come into this pose. Keep breathing slowly and consciously while you are in this pose.
In addition to massaging your neck, this pose also helps you to improve your digestion as your abdominal organs are compressed which leads to improvement in secretion. As in all other yoga exercises, you will need to do this pose on an empty stomach and do it early in the morning for best results.
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Rabbit Pose - Sasangasana
Yoga Warm Up Exercises : Yoga Rabbit Pose
Yoga Basic Pose - Rabbit Pose